Painter from the North West of England

My work evokes the familiarity of childhood stories and dreams. I leave the character unmoored and suspended in ambiguity. They float in a space between recognition and uncertainty, their presence familiar yet slightly askew. They exist on the edge of something - playfully humorous, yet uncanny and dark.

Perhaps my paintings provoke a quiet, knowing recognition - a sense of unease, curiosity and compassion at our shared unpredictable and vulnerable humanity. The self is fluid, yet lingering shadows hold quiet truths - truths we may choose to confront or ignore. People are full of contradictions, constantly crafting, revealing, and obscuring themselves. A fleeting glance, the flicker of a gesture, the tension in a hip - these subtle shifts reveal more than we intend. In my work, I distort, twist, stretch, and amplify - not to mimic reality, but to intensify what we all do, knowingly or not. This approach transforms the literal into something symbolic, evocative, and psychologically charged.

I used to paint alla prima, working wet into wet, trying to capture something at pace. But in early 2024, my process radically changed. I slowed down. Now, I build translucent layers of oil paint over months. This demands patience - a surrender to time. It quiets the ego and nourishes the soul.

Drawing remains my anchor. I work from life whenever possible, with memory, mirrors, and photographs playing a supportive role.

For work in progress please see my Instagram here.

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